Cocos creator course. Gain real skills with our powerful network simulation tool where you practice networking, IoT, and cybersecurity skills in a virtual lab – no hardware needed! Download Packet Tracer when you enroll in one of the three self-paced Packet Tracer Courses. Cocos creator course

 Gain real skills with our powerful network simulation tool where you practice networking, IoT, and cybersecurity skills in a virtual lab – no hardware needed! Download Packet Tracer when you enroll in one of the three self-paced Packet Tracer CoursesCocos creator course  Add a build-templates/ [platform] folder to the project path, and divide the sub-folder according to the platform name

使用 Dashboard. 3. 英文版:点击进入. Learn how to create document templates with Qt Designer. Cocos Creator uses the scene's file name (without extension) to index the scene. Cocos Creator is a script development, entity-component, and data-driven game development tool focused on content creation. Figure 1. ParticleSystem. 选择工程的目录,以下以 cocos-test-projects 为例,如下图:. import. Detecting Collisions in Cocos Creator. x 目前不能导入 crypto-js 。. director. 7 as well as a new Cyberpunk themed demo showcasing the new rendering capabilities of the engine. 我们通过调节相机相关参数来控制可视范围的大小,在 Cocos Creator 编辑器中相机呈如下表示:. Cocos Creator 打地鼠游戏开发,邓际斌,利用Cocos Creator开发工具进行打地鼠游戏的实战开发,结合视频课程,一步一步带你实现该款打地鼠游戏的开发,最后上传到微信开发者工具进行体验! 购买课程后,不用担心,课程中运用到的所有游戏素材以及最终的游戏代码. 目前支持的扩展包括 右击菜单 和 拖入识别,详情请参考 增强资源管理器面板。8. We will cover some 2D Game Development Fundamentals with Cocos Creator in the process while covering web game design. Cocos Creator的插件是Typescript了,编辑器不能直接使用,我们需要将插件编译为js,下面的过程演示了如何编辑js. Graphics 组件参考. 添加动画事件. Add game state logic, generally it can be divided into three states: Init: display the game menu and initialize some resources. 在 Cocos Creator 项目中支持热更新. Create from Scratch. Button Component Reference. js 官方文档 就有提到。在这里我简单的概括以下几点:Publishing to Native Platforms. 在基于 OpenGL 系列驱动的硬件设备上,Shader 支持一种名为 GLSL(OpenGL Shading Language)的着色器语言。. To use Cocos Creator to build your game for Android platform, follow these steps: Download and install the Cocos Dashboard. 实时计算骨骼动画系统. 开发者只需要定义特定的回调函数,Creator 就会在特定的时期自动执行相关脚本,开发者不需要手工调用它们。. CocosCreator在vscode和webstorm上的配置. Kajabi offers a full suite of marketing tools and templates to create and promote online courses. Determine the most engaging and effective delivery methods for each lesson. Default. Cocos Creator v2. org. Cocos Creator. 它的定义如下:. 在主菜单中选择 Cocos Creator/File -> 偏好设置 ,打开 偏好设置 面板,我们需要在 外部程序 栏中配置以下两个路径:. 当然, 这也不是最终结论 ,在未来一些情况下,我们还是可以使用 crypto-js:. Create a dataset spec under data_pose_config, similar to coco_spec. 从 v3. Glad to know Cocos Creator as my new knowledge about next gen game engine. 为方便编辑,Cocos Creator 的所有 Node 自带了 Content Size 属性,在 Node 拥有不同 Component 时,这个 Size 的行为并不完全一致。. See override attribute. 点光的原理其实很简单:. Define this parameter as true when overriding parent properties. 在目前的 Cocos Creator 中,我们支持加载远程贴图资源,这对于加载用户头像等需要向服务器请求的贴图很友好,需要注意的是,这需要开发者直接调用 assetManager. 监听方式有两种:. 7!. getComponent (cc. Sprite 组件参考. Cocos Creator 支持的系统事件包含鼠标、触摸、键盘和重力传感四种,它们被称为 全局事件 。. This means that a lot of JavaScript calls and programs can be used with TypeScript. A pure JavaScript-developed engine runtime is available on the web and mini-game platforms for better performance and smaller packages. Before learning how to use it, please refer to the Installing and Launching documentation to install Cocos Creator. x & 2. Node. x 如何使用 npm,最大的问题在于 ESM 与 CJS 模块交互。如果还不了解这两个模块在 Cocos Creator 里是如何定义的,请查看 模块 一节。其实,ESM 和 CJS 模块的交互方式在 Node. There are two kinds of events, the built-in events that can be handled at the node level and system events, that are. Imo Cocos creator feels like nothing but a cheap unity rip-off. . This class is for anyone interested in creating a 2D space shooter game that can be deployed to multiple platforms as well as. SpaceKraft Steam page is live! Add to your wishlist 😎🤘👉 👈Discord 👇👉 SpaceKraft:. 第三方库. 在目前的 Cocos Creator 中,我们支持加载远程贴图资源,这对于加载用户头像等需要向服务器请求的贴图很友好,需要注意的是,这需要开发者直接调用 assetManager. Many people ask how we can make money from being open-source. 例如,当引擎在加载场景时,会先自动加载场景关联到的资源,这些资源如果再. VideoPlayer 的脚本接. CocosCreator-Build-Encrypt 一、使用方式 二、Cocos Creator 支持情况 Cocos Creator 2. 0 allows developers to make more beautiful 3D games. The Cocos family of game development tools are some of the most popular game development tools used in the industry today. 新手上路. 我们根据音频的长短将其分为长度较长的 音乐 和长度短的 音效 ,Creator 通过 AudioSource. 接下来就在上述图片中标红的地方输入你的项目名字就可以了。. 动态修改的好处是能够在一段时间内连续地修改属性、过渡属性,实现渐变效果。. 该功能为 v3. com is a. image. Introduction. There is a built-in event system in Cocos and we can use that to handle and respond to all kinds of events, including input events. Home » Courses » Development » Game Development » Cocos Creator » Create a 2D endless runner game with Cocos Creator. The Coursify. 音频播放. play (); // 指定播放 test 动画 anim. 这款游戏考验玩家的反应能力,根据路况选择是要跳一步. app 就可以开始使用了。. 脚本指南及事件机制. Compatible with 99. The process of cocos creator is as follows. It provides the infrastructure to support your web content, mobile content, digital assets, and more. Cocos Creator 为组件脚本提供了生命周期的回调函数。用户只要定义特定的回调函数,Creator 就会在特定的时期自动执行相关脚本,用户不需要手工调用它们。 目前提供给用户的生命周期回调函数主要有: onLoad; start; update; lateUpdate; onDestroy; onEnable; onDisable; onLoad在 Cocos Creator 中,所有继承自 Asset 的类型都统称资源,如 Texture2D 、 SpriteFrame 、 AnimationClip 、 Prefab 等。. Powerful cocos2d-x engine that supports cross-platform build. It is remarkably similar to Unity. Creator 开放了 20 个可供配置的优先级,编辑器在构建时将会按照优先级 从大到小 的顺序对 Asset Bundle 依次进行构建。 当同个资源被 不同优先级 的多个 Asset Bundle 引用时,资源会优先放在优先级高的 Asset. 4 新推出的资源管理器,用于替代之前的 loader 。. In the pop up input field for selecting folder, choose start_project that has just been downloaded and decompressed, and click the Select Folder button. You can also, of course, create annotations with vertices. 在开始制作一款 UI 时,首先需要确定当前设计的内容显示区域大小(设计分辨率),可以在菜单栏的 项目 -> 项目设置 -> 项目数据 面板中设置:. 这两款编辑器的安装都很简单,这里主要介绍在Cocos Creator项目中如何调整编辑器配置,以提升开发效率。. Remarks. Cocos creator giúp cho việc lập trình hướng component trở nên đơn giản. cc. 4, the Asset Bundle has added a new loading method: bundle. Sprite(精灵)是 2D/3D 游戏最常见的显示图像的方式,在节点上添加 Sprite 组件,就可以在场景中显示项目资源中的图片。. Please download Cocos Creator and have Microsoft Visual Code installed to follow along. 5 and most concepts transfer. Cocos Creator 在 Node 上支持了 dispatchEvent 接口,通过该接口派发的事件,会进入事件派发阶段。. Cocos Creator 坐标系 我们已经知道可以为节点设置位置属性,那么一个有着特定位置属性的节点在游戏运行时将会呈现在屏幕上的什么位置呢? 就好像日常生活的地图上有了经度和纬度才能进行卫星定位,我们也要先了解 Cocos Creator 的坐标系,才能理解节点位置的. on () 函数来注册,方法如下:. The following restrictions are based on TypeScript 4. 在组件脚本的编写过程中,开发者可以通过声明属性,将脚本中需要调节. 根据创建游戏,增加游戏逻辑等. 中文版:点击进入. Set the height of the render texture. The course will be using the completely free Cocos Creator Engine to create a 2D space shooter game that will be using Collision Detection and other 2D game features. 通用构建选项的设置请参考 通用构建选项 ,抖音小游戏特有的构建选项如下,具体说明请参考下文 构建选项 部分的内容. JavaScript 的创造 只用了 10 天时间 ,但在 20 年. Learn the fundamentals of inbound marketing, content marketing, SEO, social media promotion, conversational marketing, email marketing, and. With Canva’s icon maker, you can create custom and ready-to-use icons in minutes. Thinkific is the all-in-one low-cost tool for online course creation. reflection. Social Media Training 6. 提交反馈. 新的 Asset Manager 资源管理模块具备加载资源、查找资源、销毁资源、缓存资源、Asset Bundle 等功能,相比之前的 loader 拥有更好的性能,更易用的 API,以及更强的扩展性。. 在原图像上方叠加圆. Cocos Creator 3. png with the same name. 7. Adding sound effects to the game. ParticleSystem2D 组件参考. Cocos Creator is a complete package of game development tools and workflow, including a game engine (based on Cocos2d-x), resource management, scene editing, game preview, debug and publish one project to multiple platforms. 通过编写脚本组件,并将它挂载到场景节点中来驱动场景中的物体。. ActionManager. json will not be read. Whether you vow to meet new people, hone your creativity, or just try something different. Get reports & track learners across all devices. Cocos2d-x is an open-source game framework written in C++, with a thin platform dependent layer. Animation 组件参考. 在现代显卡中,若要正确地绘制物体,需要书写基于顶点(Vertex)和片元(Fragment)的代码片段,这些代码片段称为 Shader。. VideoPlayer 组件参考. Next steps and useful resources • 10 minutes. 考虑到我们需要操作角色跳一步或. 6. 偏好设置. 107. 0 游戏开发中表示场景空间内的统一坐标体系,「世界」用来表示我们的游戏场景。 Creator 3. November 3, 2023. Currently, only JavaScript plugin scripts are supported. . Welcome Back anonymousMMDetection is an open source object detection toolbox based on PyTorch. 1 releases include: Light Probes. awesome-CocosCreator. Giới thiệu về Cocos Creator. 4: Mastering Lighting and Composition 3. NOTE: This tutorial is for Cocos Creator 2. Cocos Creator 官方文档. You should specify a valid DOM canvas element. 使用 Cocos Creator 打开需要发布的项目工程,从 菜单栏 -> 项目 中打开 构建发布 面板。. json内找到scripts这个字段. 这里我输入的是 :cocos-turtorial-mind. 3. 英文版:点击进入. 调试步骤如下:. 偏好设置. 用于存储在 属性检查器 中显示的所有数据,管理粒子生成、更新、销毁相关模块,控制粒子播放. Launch the Cocos Dashboard. 1. 选择至少一个场景作为应用载入的首场景,当仅有一个场景时会被默认添加:. Pick the perfect course topic. Cocos Creator Crash Course Morning everyone, I created a crash course on YouTube about the basics of Cocos Creator. 使用 Cocos Creator 发布微信小游戏. Tween can be constructed either by the tween method or by using new Tween<T>(target: T). 动态页主要展示 Cocos Creator 的一些官方信息、活动和 Creator 版本更新说明等,包括 新闻 和 更新日志 两个模块。 学习. 中文版:点击进入. Steps to build a game for Android in Cocos Creator. AudioSource 组件参考. You can also use response. 4. 0 中, 节点(Node) 是承载组件的实体,我. 动作系统可以在一定时间内对节点完成位移,缩放,旋转等各种动作。. 播放本地视频 :. One can find online video tutorials, training workshops, and courses available online for both engines. A ten-part tutorial crash course series covering the Cocos Creator game engine from creating a sprite to tilemaps. Web-mobile created by cocos creator 3. scripts. A: Of course! The Cocos Creator editor provides two workflows for design and development, allows designers to deeply participate in the game development process,. Add your existing presentations, documents & videos, along with quizzes & surveys. 0 的压缩纹理是在 项目设置 中配置预设,然后在 属性检查器 中选择图片资源的预设方式。旧版本的项目在升级到 v3. 触摸事件可以通过监听 Input. 8 adds a new post-process pipeline, so developers can quickly achieve their desired post-effects according to the project's needs and improve the project's quality. 兼容性说明. json, that includes the dataset paths, pose configuration, occlusion labeling convention, and so on. Playing: hide the game menu, players can operate the game. The UITransform component defines the rectangle information on the UI, including the content size and anchor position of the rectangle. Once your code is running you can control program execution using this toolbar: I’m not going to get in-depth into. 12. On Windows, you may be prompted to install Visual Studio 2017. Cocos is an open-source professional development toolkit for building games that provides a streamlined workflow for developers. plist and . FBX 智能材质导入是模型导入器中辅助转换材质的一个功能,它可以将各种 DCC(Digital Content Creation) 工具导出到模型中的部分标准材质直接映射到 Cocos Creator 的内置材质中,尽量还原美术在 DCC 工具中看到的材质效果。. aar放入我们自己的工程libs文件夹下. In fact, we had a few games hit #1 in China, become multi-million-viewed games, and one that pretty much became the outbreak game of the year! We have also added a lot more to our catalog of products made with Cocos this year. Founded in 2011, Xiamen Yaji has become the world's leading platform for digital interactive content development. 目前接口由 PhysicsSystem 提供,有以下两类:. js 。. 项目: 列出最近打开项目,第一次运行 Cocos Dashboard. 原因正如前言所说:. 中文版:点击进入. We highly recommend that you use the latest version if possible. Create a 2D endless. Write a video script • 20 minutes. Cocos2d-x is the backend for Cocos Creator, Cocos Creator is just practically a nice UI wrapper for Cocos2d-x. 配置原生发布环境路径. Cocos Creator là một công cụ phát triển trò chơi đa nền tảng được nhiều nhà phát triển trên khắp thế giới sử dụng. ts import { _decorator, Component, Node } from 'cc'; const { ccclass, property } = _decorator; @ccclass ("Cannon. Go to the Editor tab and click Download to add a version of the Cocos Creator. Our high-performance, customizable framework, Cocos Creator, make it easy for developers and artists to work together seamlessly. Prepare the data and annotations in a format similar to the COCO dataset. js is a JavaScript runtime that allows for synchronizing with. Read Review Visit Site. Leverage the power of CourseAI to effortlessly build online courses that generate passive income. - GitHub - cocos2d/cocos2d-x: Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools utilized by millions of developers across. The default language is English. 如果下载后无法打开,提示 dmg 或者 app 文件已. 为了去除这种遗憾,我们提供了 creator_to_cocos2dx 插件,它. This is how 99%+ of the original COCO dataset was created. 6. > request received. js 脚本,接下来要添加的是物品模板 Prefab 的引用,以及动态生成列表的逻辑。. 当然,在 Web 平台,浏览器原生就支持这两个接口,之所以说 Cocos Creator 支持,是因为在发布原生版本时,用户使用这两个网络接口的代码也是. 1. Download the Cocos Dashboard here, and install it from the editor tab. Now you can run your project by selecting Debug->Start Debugging or by pressing F5. json () to retrieve the response in JSON. All the model checkpoints are available for download from the Ultralytics YOLOv5 repository. js 官方文档 就有提到。在这里我简单的概括以下几点:ScrollView 组件参考. 0. 用于控制粒子发射,包括发射方向与速度,支持预定义的发射方向. The cc. 8 API Document 欢迎来到 Cocos Creator API 文档! 请注意,经过多年的快速发展,Cocos Creator 3. Configuring Native development environments path. 在 Cocos Creator 3. 1: Get an Edge with Creator Tools 3. For example, you could input: cocos-tutorial-mind-your-step-2d. Then all the files in this folder will be automatically copied to the build generated project according to the corresponding folder structure after the build. Cocos Creator 通过节点树和节点组件系统实现了自由的场景结构。. 根据数据生成列表内容. js 组件:. 5. There are also JavaScript and Lua bindings included!Select the folder in the Assets panel where the component script is to be placed, then right-click and select TypeScript > NewComponent. 更多关于 Cocos Creator 的介绍可参考 介绍文档 。. ; The same color code applies to the background color, but for lines coverage. Content: 1. Inbound Marketing Certification course by HubSpot Academy. Introduction to Digital Photography ; 5. Here's an example code: > request received. And if you need a good 2d Engine Godot with c# is very good imo. Beginner's Guide. x 三、项目实现原理 四、支持一下作者吧 LICENSEThe Next Generation of Cocos-built Games Are Here with Cocos Creator 3. While providing a powerful and complete toolchain, the editor provides an open plug-in architecture. 0200 . Examples: TexturePacker 4. 制作完成之后,选择构建,选择标题栏中的 Project->Build,也可以使用 Ctrl+Shift+B 的快捷. Options for publishing to iOS, Mac, and Windows are only accessible when using their corresponding operating systems. 一、点光原理. Cocos Creator 为组件脚本提供了生命周期的回调函数。. ; Green diamond means that all branches have been exercised during the test. Welcome to use Cocos Creator 3. Book a Free Class. 但如果 属性检查器 中的属性. Creator 的事件派发系统是按照 Web 的事件冒泡及捕获标准 实现的,事件在派发之后,会经历下面三个阶段:. 节点事件遵守通用的注册方式,开发者既可以. 4. EdApp’s AI Create. In the Project tab, find the Create button, select Empty (2D). Cocos simplifies every step of your game creation. Master popular tools, such as Unity and C++, to create original games and apps. cocos2d . 编译脚本和打包资源时会在窗口上方显示进度条,进度条到达 100% 后请继续等待 控制台 面板中的工程构建结束,成功的话会显示如下所示的日志. Elevating educator voices. Cocos 引擎下载. Let's make a game that is similar to the one in Quick Start: Making Your First 3D Game. json 任务配置文件。. These are the shapes that define the collision shape, often attached to a Node with a sprite attached. 0 deploy to github page, encounter errors with black screen. Tổng kết. 图像资源在 资源. It helps you understand the physical functions with documentation easily. Other Courses. 选中 Spine 节点,并在 属性检查器 中添加 Skeleton 组件,将资源拖拽到 Skeleton 组件的 SkeletonData 属性框中,设置好 Skeleton 组件属性。. x. Cocos Creator 提供了两种 Web 平台的页面模板,可以通过 发布平台 的下拉菜单选择 Web Mobile 或 Web Desktop ,它们的区别主要在于:. Instructor-led classes in Victoria. Developers can also give feedback. 构建原生工程. With many advantages such as High Performance, Low Power Consumption, Streaming Loading and Cross-Platform Publishing, you can. Empowering millions of developers to create high-performance, engaging 2D/3D games and instant web entertainment. 5. 音频资源(AudioClip). 这里注意一下,由于cocos引擎有自己的资源释放策略(它会在Activity结束后干掉所在进程),所以为了不影响我们自己工程的进程必须将Activity放到另一个进程。. loadRemote 方法。创建发布任务. Explore how to provide additional context through menus based on the information in a table's cell. If the registration is successful, it is then possible to create an object by calling var xxx = new SomeClass (); in the JavaScript layer. LearnDash. Next, just enter your project name in the highlighted field shown in the image above. cocos creator 2. Cocos Creator Android打包 apk. Build your first game in less than 4 hours with Cocos Creator! The tutorial also comes with a free 80-page pdf manual. First, start by selecting your language. 7. onLoad. methodName (); It creates and handle the main Window and manages how and when to execute the Scenes. Structure your modules and course plan. Cocos Creator 会为 assets 目录下的每一个文件和目录生成一个同名的 meta 文件,相信大家一定不会太陌生。 理解 Creator 生成 meta 文件的作用和机理,能帮助您和您的团队解决在多人开发时常会遇到的资源冲突、文件丢失、组件属性丢失等问题。Use the Inspector panel to set the node. 05 Bringing more stability to Cocos Creator with. 说明. This companion to the devGa. Support for Windows and Mac systems. With many advantages such as High Performance, Low Power Consumption, Streaming Loading and Cross-Platform Publishing, you can. 曲线编辑器主要用于编辑关键帧之间变化的曲线轨迹,在编辑器中的 动画 和 粒子 都使用了曲线编辑器来编辑关键帧曲线。. All of this in a single, unified tool that eases your games development. Unity has rich documentation, too. 点击 属性检查器 下方的 添加组件 按钮,然后从 Effects 中. zIndex 是用来对节点进行排序的关键属性,它决定一个节点在兄弟节点之间的位置。 zIndex 的取值应该介于 cc. 常用组件接口. 粒子系统. Cocos creator supports scripting, scene management, multi-resolution support, resource management, animation editing, physics support and the ability to publish your games to. 1. 还原为普通节点。预制件节点可变为普通节点,即完全脱离和资源的关系。还可以通过点击 Creator 顶部菜单栏中的 节点 -> 取消关联当前的 Prefab 资源 来实现。v3. 在 Cocos Creator 中,我们支持 Web 平台上最广泛使用的标准网络接口:. 24x7 Math Helpline. 英文版:点击进入. Q:Cocos Creator 的编辑器是什么样的? A:完全为引擎定制打造,包含从设计、开发、预览、调试到发布的整个工作流所. 1: Search for projects directly by project name. 资源管理器 面板空白位置或某个文件夹资源下右击菜单,选择 Create > TypeScript > NewComponent 。. Certstaffix Training offers training classes in Victoria on computer and business skills through instructor-led and eLearning training methods. Unlike other scripts in the project, Cocos. removeActionByTag(): an invalid tag 编辑时间曲线. ; Yellow diamond shows that the code is partially covered – some branches have not been exercised. Your information. New features of the Cocos 3. Nhược điểm của cocos creator là chỉ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ javascript, số lượng các component có sẵn chưa được phong. 偏好设置 由几个不同的分页组成,包括 通用设置、外部程序、设备管理器、引擎管理器、资源数据库、控制台、属性检查器、预览、构建发布 和 . x 与 Cocos Creator 2. 中文版:点击进入; Cocos Creator 3D API 手册. When the Curve Editor is open, if the current animation curve data is in a preset, the corresponding item on the left of the preset will have a golden border to show it's selected effect. raycastResults 获取。. 当我们在扩展内使用了资源时,需要将扩展内的资源文件夹注册到资源. 1000 . 0 will meet your needs. We are now adding the Metaverse, XR, and our work with car companies to improve dashboards for future cars. Digital tool wheel • 10 minutes. In Cocos Creator, all types that inherit from Asset are collectively called assets, such as Texture2D, SpriteFrame, AnimationClip, Prefab, etc. Cocos Creator API 手册. Teachable is a no-code platform for creators who want to build more impactful businesses through courses, coaching, and digital downloads. UITransform Component Reference. Android 要求所有 APK 必须先使用证书进行数字签署,然后才能安装。Cocos Creator 提供了默认的密钥库,勾选 使用调试密钥库 就是使用默认密钥库,若用户需要自定义密钥库可去掉 使用调试密钥库 勾选。具体请参考 官方文档. We're excited to share a practice game to help you learn how to build your games. Đây là 1 phần trong bài tập cuối kì của mình tại trường đại học. io (Just Kidding) ; ) Here is one developer's experience using Cocos Creator for their games. Content can range. 游戏中的相机是用来捕捉场景画面的主要工具。. 预加载在加载过程中会受到更多限制,例如最大下载并发数会更小。. 中文版:点击进入. 界面总览. JsonAsset 格式的资源。. node. 这样当使用 menuItemPool. Link. 2D 粒子组件(ParticleSystem2D)用于读取粒子资源数据,并对其进行一系列例如播放、暂停、销毁等操作。. 每一条曲线上的关键点, 横坐标 表示关键帧时间/帧数, 纵坐标 表示当前曲线属性在对应时间上的值。. Handling Input Events. 使用 Cocos Creator 打开需要发布的项目工程,从 菜单栏 -> 项目 中打开 构建发布 面板。. director is also responsible for:Cocos Creator conveniently comes with a built-in way to make a particle trail. The life cycle callback functions currently provided to users mainly include (order. image. Prev: 发布到. cocos2d-x is a cross platform open source free 2D game engine for mobile gamedev, that is fast and stable, easy to learn and useAdjust the position of the PlayButton. addAction(): action must be non-null 1001 . Cocos Creator Engine Errors 0100 %s not yet implemented. 设置完成后点击右上方的 应用 按钮即可。. MAX_ZINDEX 之间 父节点主要根据节点的 zIndex 和添加次序来排序,拥有更高 zIndex 的节点将被排在后面,如果两个节点的 zIndex 一致,先添加的节点. 英文版:点击进入. EventType。 索引 属性(properties) groupIndex Integer 节点的分组索引。 节点的分组将关系到节点的碰撞组件可以与哪些碰撞组件相碰撞。 group String 节点的. 自 Cocos Creator 3. After months of sharing both Tech Preview and Preview versions of our newest 3D game engine, we have finally completed the long task of merging the 3D and 2D engines together to create the. Choose Cocos Creator/File -> Preferences in the main menu, and open the Preferences panel. 配置原生发布环境路径. Create SCORM files from scratch with our authoring tool.